Liros Top-Cruising 12mm White/Blue Fleck

$6.41 (Ex. Tax)
$7.05 (Inc. Tax)
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Very durable, nonkinking, long lasting sheet made of 100% Polyester. 

For use as mainsail, jib, and spinnaker sheets. Ideal for blue water sailing and long distances.

Easy to splice – heat set.

• working stretch < 5%
• the classic sheet for sailing yachts of any size
• non-kinking, easy-handling line with abrasion resistant cover and high breaking load
• easy-to-splice multi-purpose line

SKU: LR00152-12


Cover: High-Tenacity Polyester

Core: High-Tenacity braided Polyester

Construction: Ø 4 – 12 mm 16-plaited from 14 mm 20-plaited

Breaking Strength 3200kg

Stretch characteristics: < 5%