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Quick View M2.6 Bowsprit Assembly

M2.6 Bowsprit Assembly

$1,863.64 (Ex. Tax)
$2,050.00 (Inc. Tax)
Mach2.6 Bowsprit assembly including telescopic wand. This item does not include any gearing adjustment components.   Bowsprit kit for boats with 2.6 control tube upgrade. THE KIT CONTAINS - MACH2.4 & 2.6 PARTS Qty Part # Description 1...
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M2 Bowsprit Assembly

$2,045.45 (Ex. Tax)
$2,250.00 (Inc. Tax)
Mach2 Bowsprit Kit as used by Pete, Scott and Harry and many others at the 2017 worlds (Over 100 sold). Includes carbon parts, telescopic wand, all connectors for the front of the boat. Now uses carbon front and wand top.   The bowsprit holder glues...
Quick View CST Composites Tow Pro Moth Boom

CST Composites Tow Pro Moth Boom

$2,032.80 (Ex. Tax)
$2,236.08 (Inc. Tax)
Prepreg High Modulus Tapered Bent Moth Boom - includes CNC cutting of gooseneck and fitting of moulded bent Boom component, Lever Vang kit, mainsheet hanger, vang hanger and lever vang saddle. Vang and lever fittings are made from hard anodised...
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