New for 2014, the SailingBits Moth Adjustable Bellcrank was used with great success by both Josh McKnight and Scott Babbage to place 3rd and 4th at the 2014 Moth World Championships.
Made from high quality stainless steel, the adjustable bellcrank includes a brass bearing to reduce friction and play on the axle.
The vertical adjuster allows you to change gearing ratios on the deck, with the angled head minimizing the horizontal change for a given vertical change - no need to adjust ride height as you adjust gearing.
Using 3mm linkage pins between the vertical centreboard pushrod and the height adjuster, more play is reduced in the system, providing a faster and more accurate response to waves.
When using a Mach2 ride height adjuster, you will nee to use the male part of the Mach2 wand connector to connect the ride height adjuster to the brass carriage on the adjustable bellcrank.